MICHAEL is a Causal Plane Entity who channels through a number of individuals in order to teach us about how we "do" life on this planet, both as individuals, and as members of the larger human family. Michael is really a group consciousness composed of 1050 souls who have completed their Earth plane incarnations, and who now share the accumulated wisdom of all they have learned with us from the more expanded viewpoint of the Causal Plane. In other words, they teach us how our choices create our experiential reality.
Like Michael, we all belong to an Entity of approximately 1000 "fragments" or souls who have chosen to work together throughout our entire "Grand Cycle" of incarnations in our journey of separation or differentiation from TAO/All-That-Is, through our cycle of incarnations, and further travels through the higher planes, until our eventual merging back into TAO.
The Michael Teachings has been very illuminating to me, helping me to better understand what I am doing here in this life, and why others are the way they are. I have found it very "cosmic" in a really down-to-earth, practical and pragmatic way. In other words, this stuff MAKES SENSE!
Michael teaches us that all is choice. We have chosen everything about our lives, from before the time of our birth, and the "reality" we experience is the direct consequence result of the choices we have been making.
Before birth we choose our parents, and all the details of our bodies and personalities, in order to create the type of life we want to experience in this incarnation. Michael teaches us about the range of choices we have available to us, and the consequences of those choices.
Michael tells us that we all choose a Role, a Goal, a Mode, an Attitude, a Chief Feature or fear which is our challenge, a particular Centering, our body style, and more.
For instance, in "Michaelese," I am:
ROLE - Artisan * CASTING - Honorary Scholar * GOAL - Growth * MODE - Observation * ATTITUDE - Spiritualist * CHIEF FEATURE - Arrogance * CENTERING - Intellectual * BODY STYLE - Lunar/Saturnian * SOUL AGE - 7th Level Mature * A member of Cadre 1 Entity 7 * GLOBAL JOB - Transition/Transformation * COMMUNITY JOB - Equality * etc.....
ROLES: Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, King
CASTING indicates your position within your Entity, and influences the way you act out your Role. I am in a Scholar Position, which gives a scholarly flavor to my Artisan Role.
GOALS: Re-Evaluation, Growth, Discrimination, Acceptance, Submission, Dominance, Flow
MODES: Reserve, Passion, Caution, Power, Perseverance, Aggression, Observation
ATTITUDES: Stoic, Spiritualist, Skeptic, Idealist, Cynic, Realist, Pragmatist
CHIEF FEATURES: Self-Deprecation, Arrogance, Self-Destruction, Greed, Martyrdom, Impatience, Stubbornness
CENTERING: Emotional, Intellectual, Moving, Instinctive, Physical, Higher Emotional, Higher Intellectual
BODY TYPES: Solar, Lunar, Mercurial, Venusian, Martial, Jovial, Saturnian
SOUL AGES: Infant Soul, Baby Soul, Young Soul, Mature Soul, Old Soul, Transcendental Soul, Infinite Soul.
There are 7 levels within each Soul Age. The Transcendental and Infinite levels are experienced after the cycle of physical incarnations. Transcendental and Infinite Souls may occasionally incarnate to act as teachers. For instance, Jesus the Christ was an incarnation of the Infinite Soul.
This is a brief introduction to some of the Michael Teachings material. For more information, there are a number of excellent books available, and some very good websites.
My particular favorite Michael Teachings books are:
TAO TO EARTH - Jose Stevens
EARTH TO TAO - Jose Stevens
THE MICHAEL HANDBOOK - Jose Stevens & Simon Warwick-Smith
These give a good overview of the basic teachings. There are a number of other good books, as well. I will be adding to the list as time permits.
Michael Teachings websites and channels:
Shepherd Hoodwin - Summerjoy Press
Terri Benning - Michael Mosaics
J P van Hulle - Michael Educational Foundation
Steven Cocconi - Citizen of Earth-The Michael Teachings
Dave Gregg - Michael Teachings
Troy Tolley - TruthLoveEnergy
Jose & Lena Stevens - The Power Path
Kay Kamala - Live Intuitive Counseling
Victoria Marina-Tompkins - Flight of the Hawk
"We are here to learn how to choose and to choose how to learn." ~Michael
Like Michael, we all belong to an Entity of approximately 1000 "fragments" or souls who have chosen to work together throughout our entire "Grand Cycle" of incarnations in our journey of separation or differentiation from TAO/All-That-Is, through our cycle of incarnations, and further travels through the higher planes, until our eventual merging back into TAO.
The Michael Teachings has been very illuminating to me, helping me to better understand what I am doing here in this life, and why others are the way they are. I have found it very "cosmic" in a really down-to-earth, practical and pragmatic way. In other words, this stuff MAKES SENSE!
Michael teaches us that all is choice. We have chosen everything about our lives, from before the time of our birth, and the "reality" we experience is the direct consequence result of the choices we have been making.
Before birth we choose our parents, and all the details of our bodies and personalities, in order to create the type of life we want to experience in this incarnation. Michael teaches us about the range of choices we have available to us, and the consequences of those choices.
Michael tells us that we all choose a Role, a Goal, a Mode, an Attitude, a Chief Feature or fear which is our challenge, a particular Centering, our body style, and more.
For instance, in "Michaelese," I am:
ROLE - Artisan * CASTING - Honorary Scholar * GOAL - Growth * MODE - Observation * ATTITUDE - Spiritualist * CHIEF FEATURE - Arrogance * CENTERING - Intellectual * BODY STYLE - Lunar/Saturnian * SOUL AGE - 7th Level Mature * A member of Cadre 1 Entity 7 * GLOBAL JOB - Transition/Transformation * COMMUNITY JOB - Equality * etc.....
ROLES: Server, Artisan, Warrior, Scholar, Sage, Priest, King
CASTING indicates your position within your Entity, and influences the way you act out your Role. I am in a Scholar Position, which gives a scholarly flavor to my Artisan Role.
GOALS: Re-Evaluation, Growth, Discrimination, Acceptance, Submission, Dominance, Flow
MODES: Reserve, Passion, Caution, Power, Perseverance, Aggression, Observation
ATTITUDES: Stoic, Spiritualist, Skeptic, Idealist, Cynic, Realist, Pragmatist
CHIEF FEATURES: Self-Deprecation, Arrogance, Self-Destruction, Greed, Martyrdom, Impatience, Stubbornness
CENTERING: Emotional, Intellectual, Moving, Instinctive, Physical, Higher Emotional, Higher Intellectual
BODY TYPES: Solar, Lunar, Mercurial, Venusian, Martial, Jovial, Saturnian
SOUL AGES: Infant Soul, Baby Soul, Young Soul, Mature Soul, Old Soul, Transcendental Soul, Infinite Soul.
There are 7 levels within each Soul Age. The Transcendental and Infinite levels are experienced after the cycle of physical incarnations. Transcendental and Infinite Souls may occasionally incarnate to act as teachers. For instance, Jesus the Christ was an incarnation of the Infinite Soul.
This is a brief introduction to some of the Michael Teachings material. For more information, there are a number of excellent books available, and some very good websites.
My particular favorite Michael Teachings books are:
TAO TO EARTH - Jose Stevens
EARTH TO TAO - Jose Stevens
THE MICHAEL HANDBOOK - Jose Stevens & Simon Warwick-Smith
These give a good overview of the basic teachings. There are a number of other good books, as well. I will be adding to the list as time permits.
Michael Teachings websites and channels:
Shepherd Hoodwin - Summerjoy Press
Terri Benning - Michael Mosaics
J P van Hulle - Michael Educational Foundation
Steven Cocconi - Citizen of Earth-The Michael Teachings
Dave Gregg - Michael Teachings
Troy Tolley - TruthLoveEnergy
Jose & Lena Stevens - The Power Path
Kay Kamala - Live Intuitive Counseling
Victoria Marina-Tompkins - Flight of the Hawk
"We are here to learn how to choose and to choose how to learn." ~Michael